Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Comportements sains prolonger la vie après le Cancer, Experts Say

health day

Eating well, exercising and maintaining normal weight boost survival, American Cancer Society finds(Thursday, 26 April new HealthDay) - A healthy lifestyle, including eating right, exercise and maintain a normal weight, can increase the chances of cancer survival long term, especially for cancers of the breast, colon or prostate cancer, according to the new recommendations of the American Cancer Society.

About one in 25 Americans is a cancer survivor. "Many are asking," How can I keep the cancer come back? "says Colleen Doyle, Director of the society of cancer nutrition and physical activity.".

Cancer survivors are often advised to adopt healthy behaviors, including eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Fitting a walk or another aerobic activity, almost every day of the week. and keep the weight within a normal range, Doyle said.

Research has shown that these steps may help prevent cancer, but there was very little research showing that a healthy lifestyle could prevent recurrent cancer, or could prevent cancer survivors to obtain a new type of cancer, she said.

But a review of recent scientific evidence has allowed a group of experts of the cancer to the conclusion that these measures help to delay the return of cancer.

"The last time that we published recommendations for survivors in 2006, we don't think there was enough evidence to clearly say that watching your weight, be active and a healthy diet can reduce the risk of re-offending," said Doyle, co-author of the guidelines. "Since that time, 100 studies looked at the effect of the weight, diet or a combination of these things, and these studies have clearly formed a foundation for us being able to make these very strong recommendations that the adoption of a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important things, cancer survivors can make for themselves.

The recommendations have been published online on April 26 at CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians.

Among the recommendations:

Lose weight if you are overweight or obese may help to prevent the recurrence and the development of new cancers. Obesity is associated with several types of cancer, including breast cancer, colorectal and malignant tumors of the gallbladder. The exercise is "safe and feasible" in cancer treatment and it also can improve physical fatigue of functioning and quality of life. People undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy may need to reduce the intensity, but should endeavour to maintain physical activity to the extent possible. Those who were sedentary before that diagnosis can begin low-intensity as stretching exercises or short, slow walks.The results of observational studies suggest that diet may affect the progression of cancer, risk of recurrence and survival in people treated for cancer. A diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry and fish has proven to be associated with the reduction of mortality from a diet high in grain refined, processed and red meat, desserts and fatty dairy products.No evidence indicating that supplements benefits cancer survivors, and there is some evidence that some supplements may cause harm.

Dr. Stephanie Bernik, Chief of surgical oncology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, said in support of guidelines, the oncologists said patients for years, and approval of the American Cancer Society in this opinion is an important step.

After a diagnosis of cancer, adopting a healthy lifestyle can also help people regain a sense of control, Bernik added.

"When you have cancer, it takes control of your life." "You have to go through the treatment and you feel, that it is the power of your life," she said. "After it is on, it is good when you feel that you can take control."

There is one thing for sure, though that, "and we must tell them that," Bernik said. "But it helps emotionally knowing that they are doing something to prevent recurrent cancer."

People with cancer are significantly higher risk of developing other cancers and may be at risk more to develop other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis, said Nagi Kumar, Director of the cancer Chemoprevention of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida

"Many survivors will not die of cancer," said Kumar. "They will have problems with obesity, metabolic syndrome and other diseases which are anyway very common to the United States, and it is a little more vulnerable."

After months of treatment, it is important for the cancer survivors regain their strength and improve their aerobic capacity.

"It is really important to be obsessive about what they do for themselves," said Nagi. "It all: do yoga, get more flexible, walk, eat right.". Become very obsessive about what put you in your body. »

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more information on how lifestyle can help to prevent cancer.

SOURCES: Colleen Doyle, M.S., R.D., Director, nutrition and physical activity, American Cancer Society, Atlanta; Nagi Kumar, Ph.d., R.D., Director, Chemoprevention of cancer, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida; Stephanie Bernik, M.D., Chief, surgical oncology Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; 26 April 2012, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Copyright © 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

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