Friday, May 11, 2012

final stage small cell lung cancer

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My mother  to the doctor because she started getting shoulder pain then starting coughing up blood. Doctor told her she had lung cancer sept.2011. she had a biop. done and they said it was stage 4 small cell lung cancer. They started her one chemo and radiation but But it was too late. Last day of radiation she told them she was getting really bad pain in her rib and hip so they did a bone scan and found it she had metastasis in her hip,thigh and rib and specks of cancer in her liver. Now shes on hospice and a ton of morphine. Pretty sure she in the end stages. She gets really confused so not sure if its the medication or in her brain.Lost alot of weight. on oxygen because one lung is full of fluid and collaped. and just this last week she had been puking at least 1 cup of blood a day. So sad cause she was the life of the party. Very sweet lady never like to see this happen to someone so kind.

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