Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Exercise may improve survival in breast cancer patients with Colon Cancer

health day

Review looked at six decades of studies on cancer, physical activity<br />(Tuesday, may 8, HealthDay News) - physical activity could prolong the life of people with breast and colon cancer, a new study suggests.

Exercise can also benefit patients with other cancers, but there is no substantial evidence to claim that, the researchers added.

"We have a lot of data that says physical activity after a diagnosis of cancer is generally safe and is associated with many improvements in the overall quality of life, and these data suggest that it may even be beneficial in terms of life," said principal investigator Dr. Rachel Ballard-Barbash, Director Deputy of the applied research program in the division of sciences of control and the population of the U.S. National Cancer cancer Institute.

"For many years, we tend to think of a diagnosis of cancer is fatal, but as we are diagnosis much more early people and receiving effective treatment, they live long with their cancer," she said.

Cancer becomes a chronic disease, Ballard-Barbash explained.

"Because of this, many people is actually at risk other chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and hypertension, and physical activity is well known to be beneficial for these conditions,", she added.

The report was published in the issue of May 8 of the journal of the National Cancer Institute.

For the study, Ballard-Barbash team analyzed 27 observational studies published between January 1950 and August 2011 who watched the cancer survival and physical activity.

The evidence of these benefits was higher for patients with breast cancer, where exercise significantly reduced mortality all-cause mortality, including breast cancer, the researchers found. Strong data exist also for the improvement of survival in patients with colon cancer.

Researchers also examined other randomized controlled studies that exercise have benefited from patients in various ways, including the improvement of insulin levels, reducing inflammation and possibly improve the immune system.

Dr. Edward Giovannucci, Professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health and the author of a newspaper covering editorial, said that "even if the direct effects of physical activity are not definitively proven given that physical activity is generally safe, improves the quality of life of patients with cancer and has many other health benefits"adequate physical activity should be a standard part of cancer care. »

"The vast majority of cancer patients will probably be profit in some degree of physical activity," he added.

Some factors showed as much promise in extending the lives of cancer survivors, Giovannucci wrote.

"Many treatments can increase survival, but at a cost of quality of life; "physical activity is not only longer but also improves the quality of sound," he added.

Samantha Heller, a dietitian, nutritionist, physiologist exercise and coordinator of clinical nutrition at the Center for Cancer Care at the Hospital of Griffin, in Derby, Conn., said that "we have data indicate that physical activity improves not only the survival of people living with cancer, but it also reduces the risk of many other chronic diseases."

"Conversely, physical inactivity has been linked to several types of cancer, including breast, colon, prostate, pancreas and melanoma," she said.

Because some chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for cancer treatments, survivors may be an increased risk of additional cancers and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Heller said.

"So, a healthy way of life, including regular exercise and a healthy diet is essential for survivors to reduce the risk of recurrence of cancer and other diseases," she said.

Regular physical activity also improves the sleep, psychological and emotional well-being and helps manage stress, said Mr. Heller.

"The number of cancer survivors is, fortunately, the United States growth," she said. "We need to get the word out of them that the exercise, if it is walk, dance, run, swim or Hula hooping, will boost their health, the level of fitness and quality of life."

More information

For more information on exercise and cancer, visit the US National Cancer Institute.

SOURCES: Rachel Ballard-Barbash, M.D., Associate Director, program of applied research, control and the population of cancer sciences division, the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Edward l. Giovannucci, M.D., SCD, Professor of nutrition and epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston; Samantha Heller, M.S., R.D., dietitian, nutritionist, physiologist exercise and coordinator of clinical nutrition, Center for Cancer Care, Griffin hospital, Derby, Conn. ; 8 May 2012, Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Copyright © 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

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