Friday, May 11, 2012

Stage 3 Lung Cancer (NonSmoker)

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Hi I was diagnosed in May of 2010 with stage 3a non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma with BAC features)  There are so many different types of lung cancer (small cell, oat cell, adenocarcinoma, squamish cell, and BAC, which is a sub-type of adenocarcinoma).  Your mom should find out what type she has with a biopsy, and also what type of mutation it is. The mutation is very important and is an important factor in deciding treatment options.  There is KRAS (the most common of lung cancers) EGFR, ALK, and a few new ones just being found (and quite rare) that I don't remember what they are called.  I was not staged until I did get a biopsy, and wonder how your mom is being staged without one also.

I had my upper right lobe of the lung removed, and around 30 something lymph nodes.  Fortunately for me, all margins were clear, no node involvement.  So, after about a month, I then started chemo.  I have been NED (no evidence of disease) ever since July 12, 2010.

There are so many new treatments that have come out even since I was diagnosed.  Never give up hope.  A teaching/college university cancer center is the best place to go.  There you will find experts in just your type of cancer.  There is an entire "tumor board" who discuss your case and come up with the best possible treatment.  They are also the only ones to have access to clinical trials.  I traveled 45 minutes each way to be treated at the best hospital for me.  Had I stayed in my small hometown, I really don't think I'd be alive today.  You can read my story and the difficulties I had just getting diagnosed if you click on my name. 

So, there IS good news with stage 3 cancer.  I am living proof.  I am going to tell you also, that all lung cancer patients want to be able to have the diseased lung portion taken out.  If that is an option for your mom, do so!!  And then follow up with chemo.  I wonder how they say it is moving aggressively, when it is no where else in her body.  ???  I hope your mom gets to a good cancer center and gets a second opinion.  She will need a thoracic surgeon, who after a biopsy will stage it. 

Take care, and keep in touch.  Hope this gives you lots and lots of hope.  Byrd

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