Friday, May 11, 2012

My daddy is dying of lung cancer.

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On 10/27/2007 babysurf13 wrote: Hi everybody, I am Chelsea. My father was told he had lung cancer in early August. He did the cemo treatment and it did not work. He went to the doctors after that and they gave him 6 months to live.  But for the people who have lost there love ones from it i have a couple of questtions. Did you know when his time was up? And how did you move on from it. I need to know more about it. I am only a 15yrs girl, that doesnt know anything. So if you people would help me out that would be great.


Dear Chelsea,

I know how hard this if for you, I just recently lost my mom to a rare cancer, adreanal cancer.  She passed away 10 months ago.  It is very hard to loose a loved one, my mom knew she was going to die, we had many wonderful talks before she became very week,those are the moments to treasure, I lost my dad when I was 20., and now 43 I lost my mom, it hurts no matter what age, but you my darling are too young, and you have to be strong for your dad, but don't be afraid to show your feelings, tell him everyday you love him, and if you need to cry then cry.  I wish I had some thing that could make the pain go away, but I don't I am still going through it myself, even for my dad who is gone 21 years, time lets you learn to deal with the loss, but missing them and loving is as strong if not more when it happens..

You want to know when it is time, you will know when it is time, don't look for it, when it happens pray that it is fast and no pain.  You don't want to see your dad in pain, we are selfish we want them here, but we don't want them to hurt.  Don't look for it.  My best advise as mom use to say, live one minute by minute, one hour by hour, one day by day, don't look to the future just live for today.  I will pray for you, if you want to talk we can talk on private message and I can give you my e-mail. 

Do you have brothers and sisters, how old are they.  Do you have a support group, it could be your friends, family, or if you feel good talking to your priest then do so, talking about how you feel will help you.

Hope to hear from you, good luck--God Bless


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