Friday, May 11, 2012

Please pray for a miracle for our daughter!

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My 27 year old daughter, mother of my 5 month old grandson and center of my life, has recently been diagnosed with what one medical team is most likely "poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma" with the lung as its primary origin and another oncologist as " a highly unusual, very aggressive advanced carcinoma of unkown primary." With observable symptoms of blood clots at 4 weeks post partum, cancer was not investigated until late January when she presented with enlarged lymph nodes in her neck. She has a mass in her chest, carcinoma in lymph nodes in her abdomen, chest, arm pits, and neck, SVC syndrome as the tumor in her chest grows into this vein, and one 6 mm tumor in her brain. One oncologist today told me that given the best response to her treatment (10 days of radiation followed with chemo treatments of Taxol, Carboplatin, & VP 16), she may have 1-2 years. If she has a weak response to the treatment, she may only have weeks or a few months. I had her path specimens, reports, and images sent to the Cleveland Clinic and will take her there to learn their opinion within the week. My husband is a 12 year survivor of a severe traumatic brain injury when his medical team told me he would not live. We are people of faith and I am trying to stay positive and hang onto hope. Please help her by praying for a miracle.

View the original article here

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