Friday, May 11, 2012

Loss of appetite!

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My mother was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer about 2 months ago.  She has no appetite and complains of a sour taste in her mouth.  She isn't on chemo, so I am not sure where the taste could be coming from, she has had this for years.  As far as the appetite goes, not sure if that could be coming from the cancer or what.  She found out about her diagnoses because she was diagnosed with Ulcers and her loss of appetite started from the first day she got diagnosed with ulcers.  But, I am wondering if anyone here that has lung cancer has loss of appetite and do you know, if appetite could ever come back?  I don't want my mom to have no appetite for the rest of her life, so i'm hoping at some point the feeling to eat will come back again.  She use to love eating everything and now, she never gets hungry and she complains that nothing taste good to her.  Any suggestions?



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