Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Less Invasive Surgery for Cancer of the esophagus may be safer

health day

Study comparing it to standard open surgeries found fewer infections, shorter hospital stays(Monday, 30 April HealthDay News) - be easier on the patient, minimally invasive surgery to remove the esophagus of patients with cancer of the esophagus can also significantly reduce the risk of infection of lung over traditional open surgery, a new study finds.

Dutch researchers also found that patients who undergo this procedure less invasive have much shorter stays in hospital and a quality of life better in the short term those with open surgery, which involves cutting through the chest of the patient.

An expert from the U.S. was impressed by the results. The study "goes a long way to surgeons esophageal encouraging to seriously consider minimally invasive surgery for patients with surgically [removable] resectable esophageal cancer", said Dr. Jonathan Aviv, Professor of Otolaryngology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York clinic.

Removal of a portion of the entire esophagus (a procedure called esophagectomy) is the cornerstone of treatment of cancer of the esophagus. This study compares the open esophagectomy and minimally invasive esophagectomy.

The minimally invasive procedure has been used first two decades ago, but this is the first study to compare open and minimally invasive esophagectomy, according to Miguel Cuesta, of the University Medical Centre of light in Amsterdam and colleagues.

Researchers studied the results of the 56 patients who underwent open surgery and 59 patients who have undergone this minimally invasive intervention. In the two weeks after the surgery, Lung (or lung) infections occurred in 29% of people who have had open surgery, but only 9 per cent of those who had minimally invasive surgery.

Overall, 34% of patients who have had open surgery has developed a pulmonary infection, compared to 12% of people with minimally invasive surgery, the study revealed.

Researchers have also noted that patients with a minimally invasive surgery were less blood loss, much more short hospital stays and better quality of life (much less paralysis pain and vocal-cord).

What is important, minimally invasive surgery was as effective as open surgery, the authors of the study concluded in the report published online April 30 in The Lancet.

"If these results can be confirmed in other environments, minimally invasive esophagectomy could really become the standard of care," Simon Law, of the University of Hong Kong, China, wrote in an accompanying editorial.

For its part, Aviv also believes that the study "stresses the need for continued at the beginning of screening of patients with symptoms suggestive of esophageal cancer, cough and hoarseness, probably even more important than"typical""gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation.""

Tel Aviv, who is also Clinical Director of th voice and swallowing Center of ENT and allergy Associates, New York City, added that "cancer of the esophagus in here in the USA and Western Europe is the only cancer which significantly increases in impact the spent 30 years.".

More information

The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more on cancer of the esophagus.

SOURCES: Otolaryngology Jonathan e. Aviv, MD, F.A.C.S., Director clinical, voice and swallowing Center of ENT and allergy Associates and Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. The journal The Lancet, press release, April 30, 2012

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