Friday, May 11, 2012

lung cancer surgery

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Hi there, I am sorry you have lung cancer.  I had my upper right lobe removed.  Let me tell you it isn't a piece of cake, yet it wasn't as bad as I thought.  I had excellent care at the hospital, and my doctors made sure I was treated appropriately for pain.  I can honestly say that my pain management was handled correctly.  I believe I, myself, have more problems with pain now (6 mths post op) at the site where the drain tubes were.  That seems to be the worst of it.  As for using your arm, yes you will be able to use it.  At least I was.  I think I was on a limit as to how much weight I could life.  LOL  Which for me, meant my hubby did the vacuming, a job I hate anyway.  I am totally off all pains meds as of Thanksgiving, so don't rush to quit them.  My oncologist didn't even want me to get off them then either, but I wanted to drive again.  I had dilluadid's, and it wasn't so bad when I quit.  I didn't even have to take ibuprofin or anything else.  So, I don't know if this helps you, but like I said, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, yet it was still REALLY tough.

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