Friday, May 11, 2012

non small cell stage 1-b lung cancer

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Goodness sakes, that is a GOOD diagnosis, very low stage, and according to my oncologist, stage 1 non small cell lung cancer is curable.  Not just treatable and survivable, but CURABLE.  Possitive attitude is huge, and knowledge takes away fear.  There are so many who are not as fortunate as you.  Most lung cancers are found in late stages, since symptoms don't present themselves until then.  When found in early stages such as yours, it is usually found while doctors are checking for something else.  Count your blessings, and give thanks to God it's been found so early.  I was diagnosed stage 3a, on May 26th of 2010.  I had my upper right lung removed on August 12, 2010, had chemo, and now have been cancer free since then.  I also, count my blessings every day, and give thanks to the Good Lord for blessings of life, love, and doctors.

Take care, and keep your chin up, this is not a death sentence for you.  God Bless, Byrd

View the original article here

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